6 Trailing Succulents That Look Sublime in Hanging Baskets

Everyone loves trailing plants, and everyone loves succulents, so why not go for the best of both worlds and snag some trailing succulents? They’re the best way to max out your space with lush greenery, even when you don’t have much shelf space. Hang a couple in your window, or find a good spot where you can enjoy the pretty canopy of cascading foliage they create. 

6 trailing succulents for hanging baskets oc succulents

Dreamy Trailing Succulents for Baskets and Macrame Hangers

For real, we haven’t seen something so adorable and gorgeous at the same time since Dolly Parton’s TV Christmas special. We are totally starstruck. Don’t worry; we won’t judge if you feel compelled to collect all six. 


Burro’s Tail

Sedum morganianum

The burro’s tail succulent has little plump leaves that look like baby grapes, trailing down in rope-like clusters, creating long, green tendrils. We’re getting some Medusa vibes from this trailing succulent, and honestly, we’re into it. It’s happiest in direct sunlight, and it doesn’t like the soil to be too moist. Allow the first couple inches of soil to dry before watering. If you repot it, you might find that several of the little round leaves pop off, but don’t worry! Those can all be propagated into entirely new plants. Just press them into a pot of moist soilless potting medium!

6 trailing succulents for hanging baskets oc succulents

String of Hearts

Ceropegia woodii

This variegated trailing succulent is just as sweet as can be! The heart-shaped leaves are actually quite striking in a deep emerald green shade with delicate silver highlights. Keep it in bright, indirect light and allow the soil to dry between watering. It can survive in low light, but the variegation might not be quite as bright and shiny. If your String of Hearts is well cared for, it will thank you with a burst of pretty pink flowers that look just like little lanterns. Aww, so romantic

String of Dolphins

Senecio peregrinus

We weren’t kidding when we said these trailing succulents were ridiculously cute. I mean, a basket full of miniature jumping dolphins? Get out of here. String of Dolphins like indirect or filtered sun, and they tend to like more water than your average succulent. It makes sense; they’re dolphins, after all. Just be sure not to totally overdo it with the water—allow the first few inches of soil to dry out before watering.


6 trailing succulents for hanging baskets oc succulents

String of Pearls

Senecio rowleyanus

While those psychedelic bead curtains stopped being cool in 1979, the String of Pearls succulent continues to be mega stylish. Then again, if you hang it in a macrame hanger, it really brings to mind the Woodstock aesthetic. Is that incense we smell? Nope, that’s its little white flowers that release a sweet cinnamon aroma! Keep it in indirect or filtered sunlight, because direct sun will cause those pretty green beads to tarnish and turn brown.

Wax Plant

Hoya carnosa

While those psychedelic bead curtains stopped being cool in 1979, the String of Pearls succulent continues to be mega stylish. Then again, if you hang it in a macrame hanger, it really brings to mind the Woodstock aesthetic. Is that incense we smell? Nope, that’s its little white flowers that release a sweet cinnamon aroma! Keep it in indirect or filtered sunlight, because direct sun will cause those pretty green beads to tarnish and turn brown.

6 trailing succulents for hanging baskets oc succulents

String of Turtles

Peperomia prostrata 

Okay, this trailing succulent is all kinds of adorable, and it’s way less upkeep than actual turtles. Don’t be surprised if you start fawning over this cutie like it’s a pet. The tiny leaves have such pretty markings, just like a turtle shell! They often have more of a blue-green tint to their leaves, bringing a cool oceanic vibe to the scenery. String of Turtles prefer bright, indirect sunlight—direct sunbeams will scorch the leaves. Use a peat-based soil medium instead of your typical potting mix.

We’ve got all of these amazing hanging succulents for sale at OC Succulents, so pop over soon to grab a few to add to your collection! They may start out small, but with a little love and attention, they’ll grow into absolutely luscious canopies of greenery!

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